Four tips for dealing with a new reality for wellness
Pandemics may have replaced terrorism as our largest security threat. We now see the world as both dangerous AND dirty. What does that mean for the world of wellness? At minimum, hyper vigilance on cleanliness.
With the terrorism fear, we traded many freedoms for security -agreeing to airport screenings and pat downs to picture ID to enter office buildings and elevators.As we emerge from our safe spaces, what freedoms will we be willing to forgo? Will there be public temperature taking or immunity passports? What inconveniences will we endure or even welcome to make us feel more secure and confident to venture to our favorite spas or wellness centers?
As wellness leaders, how will we make our spaces, services, gatherings, and celebrations feel safe? With the mental, emotional and physical challenges of isolation, our guests will need us but will they trust us. Will the distinct smell of bleach replace the sweet smell of anti-microbial lemon or peppermint? Will we all mask and will they ever be removed?It all depends… on the leadership and confidence we demonstrate to our staff and guests.
As a group of cleanliness vigilantes, we can get ahead of the fear. Smart practices that build trust with our employees will also build it with our guests. We can lead. We can recognize what might be short term and what might foster even more effective long term practices. We can build our knowledge of newest cleaning technology and research evidence based effectiveness of natural options. Our leadership may even be able to avoid over reactions of public policy or laws brought on by fear. Here are some thoughts.
Clean it- Show it-Know it – Mean it- Measure it.
- Clean it
We have been extreme cleaning in our homes and now we expect it in our places of work and play. Our guests will expect hospital grade level cleaning in spas and wellness businesses and in fact, guests will look to us to not only deliver it BUT to be experts on it. This may be the easiest part for most as we rely on the resources and expertise available from our hotel companies, vendors, partners, local health authorities and associations. ISPA and Global Wellness Institute are already providing great resources to help accomplish this. TAG
- Know it
Our employees at every level have to be educated about all of the cleanliness measures put in place (and with their involvement). They need to be part of the Cleanliness Covid-gilantes team. Their knowledge, trust in the solutions and confidence will be passed on to guests.
Not only will spas have an expanded role in guiding guests to build their immune systems and improving their mental well being after all of this, but, we will have an opportunity to guide how they keep their own homes safe and clean. We can be the trusted experts and curators of evidence based cleaning products and technologies that actually work.
- Show it
Guest react to cues in determining whether they are comfortable, clean and safe. It might be signage, employee verbiage, explaining protocols, single use items from menus to products, highly trained and confident staff, face cradle sterilization, new touch-less transactions maybe even including even auto opening front doors. Show your concern and knowledge at all of the touch points including on websites, property signage and social media.
- Mean it/Measure it
Guests will be hyper vigilant on cleanliness and they will let us know it! Whether in comments, ratings and ultimately their visits, they will make their voices heard. Some will not hesitate to test us – just like people test whether they can get banned items through security lines. They can and will amplify any cleanliness vulnerabilities. Engaging with guests and employees about what they need to feel safe and effectively measuring how well you are doing, will show you really mean it. Adding specific new measurements for cleanliness and safety in customer feedback mechanisms will be critical.
Become a Cleanliness Covid-gilante... Be the trusted expert of clean and really deliver. This is the first step to rebuilding our wellness businesses. Our guests need us more than ever but their wellness journey begins with feeling completely safe and taken care of.
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